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Exchange cover
Exchange cover

Fabric samples and marketing

Exchange cover
The new cover for your Befeni fabric samples
You still have the old black fabric sample book and would like to upgrade?

Then you don't need to buy a complete new book, but you can have the new cover sent to you at cost price.

All the fabrics you have in your black book will also fit into the new cover. Just loosen the screws and put the fabrics into the new cover.
Gewünschte Daten auf der Visitenkarte: Anrede:


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(falls gewünscht)
Produce mask in children size (for approx. 6-10 years old children)
In stock: mehr als 500 Pieces
Minimum purchase: 1 Pieces

Note: Please pay for the item in the shopping cart after 60 minutes at the latest. Items that are in the shopping cart for more than 60 minutes are automatically deleted from the shopping cart
€ 4,20 zzgl. MwSt.

Products that are made in our production in Thailand especially for you, unfortunately, cannot be sent within the shirt delivery.

Postage free! Code is deposited immediately.
Mehr als 50 verfügbar
Zur Zeit kein Kauf auf Kommission möglich
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